Some of the following tips were gleaned from various sources, while some are of my own invention. CABLE AND HOUSING TIPS
- Trimming cable housings.
Cable housings must be flat on the ends and form a 90 deg. angle to the axis of the housing in order for shifters and brakes to operate in an optimum manner. If the housing ends are not flat and square, the operation of the controls will be mushy until they are pressed flat by cable tension. This results in a change of adjustment which may cause shifting problems or mushy action. I grind the housing ends flat on a bench grinder after cutting them to length. Both the cutting and grinding operations tend to fill the end of the housing. To clear the cable channel I push an awl with a long tapered point into the hole in the end of the housing. You can also use a sharpened nail or an old spoke.
- Treating cable ends.
Cable ends tend to fray or unwind while you are hooking them up to brakes and derailliers. How can you prevent fraying? You can solder the cable end but sometimes it is not convenient to get out all the equipment. A quick and convenient way to fix the ends is to apply a little liquid super glue to the cable end. Let the glue soak into the cable for a few seconds and wipe clean. After the ajustments have been made you can apply a cable tip.
TECH TIPS PAGE URL = http://cablenhousingtips.html
Last revised 07/23/99
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