I bought this Ford Model A Towne Sedan out of a field in 1948 when I was 16. I learned a lot about cars and car troubles with this old "Jitney". Note the 16 inch wheels,(no two the same). Also the Buick portholes on the hood sides and the venetian blinds on the 3rd windows. I must have had a hundred or more pins attached to the sagging headliner. I drove it until I got my first job after graduating from high school. I gladly moved up to the 1940 Ford below. The young lass was my girlfriend and future wife.
I bought this 1940 Ford 2-door deluxe in 1951. The odometer showed that it had been driven 45K miles and the condition was consistant with the mileage. After a few months I decided on a new paint job. I also had all the trim hardware taken off of the hood and trunk. Next I installed dual Hollywoods, full tear drop fender skirts and large Rebel wheel covers. The bumpers were fitted with Van Auken bumper guards. It was one cool car.

Is that; no, it can't be James Dean. It must be himself fredhaj polishing the Merc amongst the barracks of Fort Benning. I'm still searching for a full picture of the Mercury.
After bouncing around in the 40 Ford for a couple of years I wanted something a little more comforable and I was weary of the rumble out of the Hollywoods. The 1949 Mercury was one of the cars to have in 1953 and would become legendary in the movie, "Rebel without a cause". Ford hit the jackpot with the 1949 model, producing 302,319 cars whereas in 1948 they produced only 50,268 cars. The Merc was not only cool but sophisticated. It had overdrive and could be cruised easily at 80 MPH on the pre-speed limit Indiana highways. It was a large car but perfectly proportioned. Modern cars claiming to seat six are not comfortable but the Mercury seated six with elbow room to spare. The Merc remains a great favorite of mine. It served me well while I was in the army but was soon to be replaced after mustering out.
I was discharged from the army in the spring of 1955 and had an itch for a new Buick Century hardtop, the class car of the year. After shopping around and not finding a deal on a Buick, I saw this beautiful sky blue and ivory Pontiac hardtop and was hooked. It was a beautiful car and ran well, delivering great mileage but it had a few unfavorable characteristics. The paint was soft requiring a lot of work to keep presentable. The car was geared for flat land and had problems negotiating hills. I owned it for 7 years and drove it 96K miles during my 4 years at college and after. After getting established in a new state and job I gladly traded it in for a new car.
I bought this Valiant hardtop in 1962. Unlike the Pontiac, this car exceeded my expectations and fairly flew up the hills of upstate NY. The build quality was par for the time but the paint was excellent and durable. The slant 6 motor and 3 speed Torque Flite transmission was the finest, most efficient drivetrain of any car I have owned before or since. The car was quick, and with the torsion bar suspension, handling was superior. I drove it for 14 years and would buy one today if it were available. By the way, the young lady in the picture is my wife, the very girl friend shown with the Model A above. The lad is my son John, the driver of the Olds 4-4-2 shown in the Car Gallery.